Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Macy's First Day at ISKL

Macy had her first day of school with the BIG girls!!!!  She has been really excited about the whole idea of it.....the bus, the uniform, seeing her sisters during the day, etc.

Whitney wanted part of the first day pic---Her first day of preschool isn't until September.

 I think I would have cried if she didn't want to ride in the stroller this morning!!!
 On the way to the bus, we ran into our crafty friend, Carmen, and she did a quick hair accessory swap!!!!
 Right about here is where the tears came.  It was time to get on the van---my girls are on the overflow van instead of the big city bus that comes to the neighborhood.
 Once she was seated with the BIGS she was A-OK!

A few of her favorites:
Movie:  Barbie and the Pink Shoe
TV Show:  Doc McStuffins
Thing to do at school:  Play with babies and color
Thing to do after school:  Swim and play with friends
Color:  Pink and Purple and Blue and Turquoise
Food for breakfast:  Toast with Nutella
Food for lunch:  Ham
Food for dinner:  Pasta
Food for snack:  Crackers
Restaurant:  Suzie's Corner--Another Malaysian favorite
What she wants to be when she grows up: "A mom and a hair doer.......... and I want to be a nail girl, a vet and a hair girl."

She said she had a great day, but cried a little waiting for the bus after school.  I guess they had to wait a long time---not sure what a long time really is coming from a 4 year old.  We had lunch with her buddy to celebrate a successful first day.

Life is Good going to school with your sisters!

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