Saturday, October 26, 2013

First Malaysian Halloween

There were a lot of changes in what the girls were going to be this year for Halloween, but last night they made great final decisions.

Kaylee was an Olympic Gymnast....She wore the leotard she wears every Tuesday for class!
 Macy wore the bee costume that has been through all the girls so far starting with Hannah when she was 3.
 Hannah was a Colts cheerleader for a Super Bowl they won.....
 .....and Whitney was a sad cheerleader for a Super Bowl they lost.

 Whitney wasn't into pictures until we got down to the neighborhood party.

 She loved getting candy and started the night saying "treat."  After a few houses she would just hold her bag open.
 In our neighborhood all the houses have front covered drives.  Many people decorated their whole area.  We have some work to do before next year......I see a spider web and lanterns in our future!!!!

 At one house we bobbed for apples and another one had them walk to the back to a haunted house.

 About an hour in, Whitney was happy to just sit in the stroller with her paci and blanket.
It was a fun night and was very similar to Trick-or-Treating in the US.  However, instead of worrying about being too cold at night, you needed to worry about not being too hot in your costume.

Life is Good with Trick-or-Treating.

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