Thursday, April 5, 2012

Summer 2012 Preview

Once again the girls and I are going to pack up and take a 6 week vacation this summer. We will make stops in Iowa, Minnesota and Nebraska, but most of our time will be spent at my parent's place. Justin will meet us on weekends, but be back in Indy or on business trips during the week.

With the weather being so nice while we were in MN this week, it gave us an idea of what our summer would be like.
Riding bikes in the driveway

Lucky for the girls they were given swimsuits from Grandma and Papa for Easter,
so they could get in the hot tub!!!

They wouldn't believe me that the pool was too cold..........once they put their feet in the decided I was telling the truth!!!!

The girls also went down to the beach with their sand toys and enjoyed digging and filling pails with water.

The Laundry Fairy stopped in to switch clothes to the dryer and fold it!!!!!---Thanks Mom!!!!
I had time to sew at night and finished a few crayon rolls....This summer I will set up my machines in the basement bedroom, but for a few nights I worked in the dining room.
Where the 3 Little Bears slept

Life is Good when you have a fun summer to look forward to!!!!!

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