Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Happy Birthday America!!!

It's hard to believe June is almost half over, and 4th of July is just around the corner!!!

I just finished this red, white and blue custom order skirt tonight.

I have just enough left over to make 1 more skirt. 
Since 1 more skirt won't be enough at my house with my 4 little ladies, I decided to have a giveaway.

The prize is a Girly Twirl Skirt of any size 6-12 months to 7 years using these patriotic fabrics.
It will be perfect for a picnic on the 4th or to wear to cheer on USA during the upcoming Olympic Games in London!

Here's how you can enter:
1. Like the Sew Sassy Sweetpeas FB page if you haven't already 
2.  Like this link
3.  Comment on this link
4.  Share this link
5.  Leave a comment on the blog

At 5:00pm Eastern Time on Thursday, I will draw a name.

Don't worry if you don't win and still want a skirt........I will take custom orders for this style or any other style on my Etsy shop in patriotic colors.

Life is Good when someone else has a birthday, but you get a present!!!