Saturday, April 13, 2013

Uncle Michael Came to Town

Justin's middle brother, Michael, was in town this week.  He came over to Asia a few days early before he had work in Shanghai.  He flew in early Thursday morning and by the time the boys got to our house it was close to 3am.  
We didn't do any sight seeing that day, but he got to see what our daily life in Malaysia is like. 
 He went along to the Parent Appreciation lunch at the Bigs school, 
picked Macy up from preschool,
 saw some monkeys, 
dropped Macy off at swimming,
 went to the grocery store 
and had Bloddy Mary's by the pool
(not actually part of our daily life...we save that for weekends!)

That night for dinner we went to Suzy's Corner and had naan and steaks while sitting outside.

Friday was our day to show him KL.

Justin and I have never ridden on the bus to see the city, but thought it would be a good way to see a lot in a short amount of time.

The first stop we got off at was Chinatown.

You can't tell from this picture because my flash went off, but the lights are out in the room.  They took us back to the "high quality" merchandise and as soon as we walked in the room the lights went out.  They quickly got them back on, but I was a little nervous at first.

Chestnuts Roasting

After we did our shopping....purses and movies, we got back on the bus.

The old train station

You can't tour the Palace so we have never gone up to it.

They gave us 10 minutes to walk around, so I didn't really need to take all my pictures from the bus!!

We have always heard that you should stay away from downtown on Friday afternoons because of the call to prayer. On Fridays all males need to visit a mosque(it can be any mosque and doesn't have to be the National Mosque) for their prayer time.

 These 2 pictures are from the National Mosque when we visited last week.
When we went by you could see people sitting outside, so the other parts were already full!
Being on the moving bus I couldn't get a good picture off all the motorbikes and cars very well.  I have never seen so many bikes...They were like ants---EVERYWHERE!

Friday night, the adults headed downtown by train for a dinner of tapas.
 The food and the margarita were excellent!!!!

Saturday, the Bigs each had a birthday party.  While Hannah was partying, we went to Fat Boys and had a great burger and milkshake lunch.  
The guys also went to the wet market in the morning with Macy, and the night market after dinner with the 3 Littles.  Macy was excited she found a water apple that she had at school the other day.

The girls were a little sad that their cousins weren't able to come, but they had a great time with Michael.  Kaylee kept reading to him, and drawing things for him to take back to her cousin, Avery.  I think Justin  liked having another guy here that appreciated his comments and would drink Bloody Mary's with him.

Life is Good with Guests!

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