Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas Day

Whitney was the first one up on Christmas morning..................
.............so she got to play with her Santa gifts.

We love make up at our house!!!!!
And Skittles!!!!

After a successful Christmas morning, we got everything-----all our bags, presents, girls, snacks and THE DOG---packed into the car and headed for Iowa!!!!!! Luckily, Santa left a note for Hannah letting her know that he didn't get her a DS because he was pretty sure Grandma Carol and Papa Dave had!!!!
Macy wanted a snack before we were out of Fishers!!!!!

We needed to let Whitney stretch

We stopped at the I80 Truck Stop and were excited Taco Bell was open for dinner!!!!!
Whitney missed the memo stating that babies should be awake during long stops and sleep in the car..........We tried everything to get her up, but she was totally out!!!!!!!

Life is Good with experienced little travelers!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love that picture of the 4 girls, with the beer display in the background. Classy!
